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Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday Meme

This little meme comes to me from Stennie who got it from Bitterspice, and she told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on and so on...and does anyone remember actually seeing that ad? Not just hearing about it on I Love the 80's, but actually seeing it? I do. Also, aside: remember when there was a rumor going around that Marilyn Manson was really Paul from the Wonder Years? That was funny. Anyway, the meme.

Here's the deal, leave me a comment and I'll give you a letter, if you haven't already gotten one from Stennie or Bitterspice etc. And then you will do like I have done, list five songs starting with your assigned letter and say a little somepthin' about why you chose the song. My letter is I.

Why do I always get the letter I? I got the letter I for the last one of these. I is hard, people!!! But here goes.

Imagine, by John Lennon. Partly because that record is on the end of the top shelf of our LPs, so I can see it from where I'm sitting. And partly because it's a beautiful song. I always loved John Lennon best of the Beatles. A lot of his solo stuff was pretty crappy, but this song is probably the best thing he ever did.

I'm Waiting for the Man, by the Velvet Underground. I love love love this band and this song just about sums them up. I also thought about choosing "I'll Be Your Mirror," because it is Lou Reed's favorite song that he wrote, and also "I'm Sticking With You" because Moe Tucker sings on it and because it's ironic and quirky and dark and funny and easy to listen to. Maybe I should have chosen it. But I'm Waiting For the Man is classic Velvets.

I Am a Rock, by Simon and Garfunkel. Not my favorite S&G song, it's a good song and all, but not my favorite. It IS the only song by the group that starts with the letter I. But I love these guys so much that I'm just glad they have one I song so I could list them here. If I could have the music talent of one person, living-dead-imaginary, it would be Paul Simon.

I Fall to Pieces, Patsy Cline. What a lovely sad song by a lovely sad lady. When I was first discovering my singing voice, when the radio in my car was broken, a friend and I would drive around singing in harmony a-cappella. That was when I learned to sing, and learned to sing in harmony. I Fall to Pieces was one of our favorites.

Istanbul, Not Constantinople, by They Might Be Giants. Because it's the first song that popped into my head when I found out my letter was I. And it's not Constantinople, people. So don't stick your foot in your mouth. I'd hate for you to be embarrassed.

posted by Krizzer 8:49 PM


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